Baby sleep consultant training australia

Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia

Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia

After launching 12 years ago as Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia we have celebrated this month training and certifying our 1500th sleep consultant!

Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia has taken a basic training program and grown into a platform that is supporting graduates every year to grow their understanding from infant sleep basics to the complexities and nuances that make up infant and child sleep.

Joining the team along the way, Baby Sleep Consultant Australia has included lactation consultants, dieticians, nutritionists, clinical psychologists, pediatric nurses, counsellors, professors and doctors.  Our expertise in all areas affecting infant sleep makes Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia graduates stand out and offer a superior service to their clients.

Recently I was mentoring a new graduate of the BSCTA program and she was helping a mum who was going through post natal depression, had a baby who had a tongue tie surgery, and was no longer sleeping through the night. This graduate was amazing and doing so well, but in one of our chats she said

“I don’t know what I would have done in this case without the extra training from Dr Sarah Bell Booth around what to say to this mum about her post natal depression, and I wouldn’t have been able to support this mum without the extra training on breastfeeding either!”

This is what makes our graduates stand out. Baby Sleep Consultant Training Australia is teaching is creating a culture of holistic sleep support. Considering all the factors that influence how well a baby or toddler sleeps aside from their sleep training days is what equals success.

More recently Baby Sleep Consultant Australia added helping children with neurodiversity with their sleep. This module has enabled our graduates to further understand the complexities of children with ASD or ADHD and how this might influence their sleep and the limitations of sleep training in these cases.

Miriam tells us “After graduating with Baby Sleep Consultant Training I knew I wanted to be able to help families with ASD as my own son sits on the spectrum. But I wasn’t confident in my scope of practice until I took the extra module. Since then I have expanded my client base and have been helping families with ASD for almost a year!”

I think one of the key modules Baby Sleep Consultant Training has helped student the most is the solids advice around starting solids and allergies and sleep. Certified sleep consultants need to be able to look at what a baby is eating and determine if their night wake ups are from hunger or habit. Today’s food market is so complex and ever growing that keeping up with what trends are hitting the market in relation to baby food and whether a client is getting enough nutritionally is key to better sleep.

When looking at training providers, we has insured for year apon year that our graduates stand out in the market, and we look forward to another 1500 graduates in the coming years!