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Catalina Lau – Australian Sleep Consultant



  • What drew you to making the life changing decision to study and become a sleep consultant?

I no longer had a passion for my career in the corporate world and I felt I was different since becoming a mum to my two boys. After 5 years of full-time parenting, I wanted to return to the workforce to engage in something more meaningful and a career that allowed me the flexibility to work independently without having to leave my children. I was lucky enough to find my passion and receive the support of my family so I could study the baby sleep training course. Once I started, I was hooked and my life now has another sense of fulfillment.


2) What sort of clients motivate you the most? Tell us a story if you have one.

Newborn parents are my most motivating clients. The mother hen in me comes out and I feel the responsibility of taking parents under my wing to nurture them with support and empower them with knowledge. I wish every parent could receive the support of a sleep consultant to set them up correctly to avoid ever having to sleep train. We need training in just about everything we do, so it’s worthwhile training to better equip ourselves in our most important role in life; parenthood.


3) Is the role rewarding, what do you find rewarding?

Absolutely 100% YES! I love getting up in the mornings to see all the achievements my clients have had overnight. I am now really enjoying talking to mother’s groups, passing on guidance and helping families restore sleep in their homes. I love to empower parents with knowledge – I find this the most rewarding aspect of my work.


4) What has been your biggest challenge to date, how are you dealing with this?

My biggest challenge is to not become so emotionally invested in the families I work with and setting boundaries with clients. I am working on efficient sleep plans that will guide families when I am not available outside of my work hours.


5) Why do you believe sleep is important for all families?

We all know when we sleep well we are able to function, be better parents to our babies and tackle parenthood positively and rationally but without healthy sleep, we develop a sleep deficit pretty quickly affecting us emotionally, mentally and physically. Yes, we expect to have some sleep loss when we bring a young baby home but prolonged sleep deprivation can cause the whole family great disharmony. To restore healthy sleep is important for each member of the family.


6) Tell me one thing you learnt in your studies that will stick with you forever?

I don’t think I could pick just one thing, but overall my outlook on sleep has changed.

I have found a deep respect and understanding of its necessity for a healthy and happy life.

My motto to any problem is SLEEP ON IT!! And cure for any illness is a DOUBLE DOZE OF SLEEP!


7) What are your plans moving forward for the next 12 months?

My mission is to educate as many parents as I can via various means to support them in the early months of parenthood.


8) If you could tell tired desperate parents one thing, what would that be?

It all passes in a blink of an eye, though it doesn’t feel like it at the time. Enjoy the hardship; it is a personal journey of discovery and finding inner strength.




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